Friday 28 November 2014

Contrary to belief, I'm farrrrrrrrr from mean (i) & I am in fact one of the most generous players on MSP having given over 5300 wishys to friends & helpers & yday when I saw the price of the "Xmas Ball" dress (3000 SC~ RIP OFF!) I felt sorry for some girls knowing they would love one but couldn't afford one, I still remember what it was like to want something from the shop and having to save or watch tons of Sms :( VERY ANNOYING! lolz  So I'm going to buy the dress for 35 girls, just read my artie for dets! Plus I will post winners on here! :p 


  1. Wow :o that's sweet of you :* sorry for blogging about you Alisha. I never wanted to hurt you I just thought what I was doing was right, when really it was plain bull shit the things I said about you.. I deleted all posts about you and I wondered if we could start over ? I've watched many of your movies on my accounts at the minute and they're great.. Sorry for ever hurting you I hope we can move on from this. ~Rosie x

  2. You guys are so silly. Alishak is trying to do something nice and you poo heads are shouting at her for doing something good?

  3. You're a very generous person look how many gifts you gave to those people.
    Anyways new blog spot it's about that blogger boy named ben.

  4. That's very kind of you Alisha, If only if only I could wear dresses on my avatar LOL!
