Friday, 11 September 2015

Well i was going to make a nice pretty post to say thank you to everyone that helped me level, i was in the middle of making an artie for the background but guess what ive been locked for 3 days :D Locked for my status looooooooooolz it comes to something when the sad twats that bullied me over the wkend, the people that claim i run round MSP bullying, they cant find any evidence of me bullying so resorted to reporting a status looooooooolz LAME AF! But once again it will show people what i have to deal with, sad little jealous, twisted "people" that go out of their way to "Hate" on me, reporting me for something they splatted on mine and adept's wall wkend (i) but unlike them when saying it mine had an innocent cute meaning,  they used it in a vulgar manner, So least i know now when they splat my wall using it as hate against me i can get them locked for it too! :p That famous saying "Every cloud has a silver lining" 

So i will publicly thank everyone that reported my status coz tbh between, levelling, dealing with retards, making movies, watching movies, making blog posts it was starting to take a toll on me (i) I was wondering where i would find the time to give my blog a revamp, now i get 3 whole days!!! :D


  1. Lmaoo, that makes 3 locked accounts, right?

    1. aren't you supposed to be showing us the proof you claimed to have about akakia if we see no proof then nobody's going to believe what you say

    2. It was posted on Sabrina's blog but she took it down when the situation dyed down, the 2 hate posts at me popped up lmao

    3. if you want everyone to believe what you have to say then your going have to show proof and why would you take something down even if the situation died down that's a bit dumb isn't it? tbh it makes her look like she is in the wrong by taking it down

    4. because she always takes down every single blog post she makes about people

    5. It isn't 'dumb' taking it down. She can take whatever post down if she wants to?

    6. She took it down coz it got her hate lolz she thought people would come running my way to bully me but they turn on them pair when they saw what trouble making bitches they are >.<
      Plus Bob on the other post you said you kept coming back as the post was about you, well this post isnt so why you here? Ohhhh looking for my drama lolz
      & read the post again Bob 3 daysssssssss so why is it so funny :?s and i have already been locked on this account b4 so you and your mates shouldnt flatter yourselves (that was another bs reason too :D )

    7. I'm pretty sure that she didn't get any hate about the post lmao, actually she took it down because the situation had passed, then you posted all of this and bam.

    8. your lying again loooooooooolz she said it herself (i) plus shes also mailed sauces :D

    9. One min shes saying shes on no ones said then going back to defending you :D Shes like you and cant make up her mind >.<

    10. tbh i think you keep coming back coz you want me to show all your messages from kik bullying me *The swearing, laughing bout sauces deleted movie, how your going to report me to msp for my kik comments, to me looking like a slag), involve your mates when im sure they are blind to the fact your using their names in fights that have nothing to do with them! >.<
      so im still deciding if to show them as why give an attention seeking bitch what she wants (i)

    11. Lmao, actually Sabrina told me she didn't delete because if hate, she deleted it because the situation died down. She told ME herself so, you are lying.

    12. Keep telling yourself that sweetie |O I dont need to lie and have you told her the reason all the hate started on me, how that bitch goney threaten to scab me? or did you leave that part out coz (a) you didnt fucking know but involved yourself anyway or (b) you didnt tell her so you had back up for your hate campaign? :D
      Also remember i have mail too :D all your swearing, name calling, laughiing coz sauces series got deleted, telling me you was gonna report me to msp for my kik message looolz so much its hard to work out what to show :D

    13. I didn't know that she did that, she never told me she is kind of a forum troll I think. I never knew she threatened to 'stab you'.

    14. Yes she did on my wall and on her status and thats why all the hate started, coz she got locked and her friends blamed me and started posting on my wall, people like zoey on that brit account, and if you dont believe me theres enough people that saw it

    15. Her words were "stab you with a knife" and you jumped in and added to the hate not even knowing the reason why they was on my case to start with, so im to blame for her vile words and her lock :?s NO!

  2. That is just bloody pathetic, So does this mean all the other users that have said "puddy" get locked? -.-

  3. Just fucked up -.- your amazing stay strong check my blog out guys ;p

  4. OMG... Pathetic bitches can waste their time making a fake report because OF THIS? Alisha, don't mind them. MSP should've used their brain and not let it. But those people sitting on a chair 24/7 on MSP, staring at your profile wishing you will get banned? No... Just no. Those bullies are jealous of you and Adept. Just ignore them or report them until their sad asses get kicked out of MSP. Sorry for long comment. I was really pissed of when I saw the words on the lock which was NOT worth a lock for 2 days.

  5. OMG... Pathetic bitches can waste their time making a fake report because OF THIS? Alisha, don't mind them. MSP should've used their brain and not let it. But those people sitting on a chair 24/7 on MSP, staring at your profile wishing you will get banned? No... Just no. Those bullies are jealous of you and Adept. Just ignore them or report them until their sad asses get kicked out of MSP. Sorry for long comment. I was really pissed of when I saw the words on the lock which was NOT worth a lock for 2 days.

  6. I cannot believe it I can't believe those sad little liars got away with it I am so bloody pissed right now BTW who exactly is it that is spreading lies *suspicious* if I did find out I would totally fix up there retarded minds with my fist 😬
