Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Attention seeking o.e
Causing drama
Spreading lies & hate 

Even though this user hasnt been online for a while it seems shes come back to cause more drama and hate for msp and this time shes looking for attention using my name! -.-
Always in the thick of the drama going on and claims shes a sweet innocent person while trying to fling shit at other people well unlucky Bob coz i wont take your bullshit sweetie! 
You claim i was bullying your bff well UNLUCKY FOR YOU I SAVED MY MESSAGES TOO! THE MESSAGES OF ME & THAT BFF YOU CLAIM I BULLIED & people can see for themselves what a lying cow you are!!! Its there in her own words how i ignored her for like a month (you cant bully someone if your blanking them can you? (i) & how YOU CAME TO ME, MAILING ME WHEN IT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU!!!
SO WHOS THE BULLY BOB???????????? YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow how low some people will go to make themselves new mates & get a little attention |O
& heres another fact for you, i couldnt give a shit if you post my messages to you, as people already know im not shy in saying what i mean :p & dont make out you didnt swear at me coz i have those messages too! ;) (Shall i post them too or just show the rest first as im not like you, im not out to get you, im out to CLEAR my name!

Bob's attention seeking forum, full of BS!

Me laughing on her forum  bout her warning (below her claiming she didnt get one)


EXPLAIN THESE THEN!!!!! There you are sitting among your BULLY MATES! 

Wdf are you talking bout? :D Why would i be telling you bout my fame & 2x14= 28 sweetie (i) not 26 :p

Talking bout my age , you dont even know my age & i will leave when im ready not when a jealous little bitch like you tells me! Who gave you the power to tell people when to leave?

More BS, claiming ive never given a reason for my lock, it was added on my blog when i FIRST GOT LOCKED coz of lying cows like her claiming it was for bullying (reposted on post above for retards like her!)
Here's the conversations with Bob's bff, the one she claims I bullied, doesnt seem that way does it? ;) 

(I also have more conversations with her that i have tucked under my hat for now)

Sab has also be added to this post as shes involved herself and splatted forums with her comments (Bob is 100% telling the truth) & used her blog to try & get me more hate (i) Im sure your glad after watching that, that you involved yourself ;)

Claiming Bob is telling the truth (i) Err no Sab and if shes willing to lie to her "mates" & drag them into drama while all along lying, shes willing to do anything right? ;)

I was sitting minding my own business when the forums started love, you dont even have a clue why they started so who are you to comment? >.<

Added this as it tickled me and shows the BS people say "my friends earn my fame for me"  So i dont make movies everyday then? (i)


  1. I gotta admit she is a smart ass except from the fact that she can't even solve a simple sum lol :D but seriously that is the greatest way to return from a break "looking for attention through someone's name" your a threat to her and she knows it so she is clearly trying her best to get people against you why else would she make a forum about you? She knows that your the hot topic on MSP so by making a forum about you it will draw everyones attention and she will receive want she was looking for desperately *attention*

    1. Yeah she knows people either like or hate me, so the haters will give her the backup she needs o.e She wasnt even on MSP when all this started, how her new found friend >(Gone Girl)< (also using all the other gone girl accounts as it seems shes always getting locked for bullying someone or causing shit in MSP) threaten me on my wall & her status "stab her with a knife" What kind of SICKO makes those comments and what sickos defend someone like that? how i had to sit back and have them spamming & mailing me for nearly two wks, then the forums started and Bob the Bully wanted a little bit of the action, she also doesnt tell people that only a few wks ago she wanted to be my friend, even made a comment on my wall (which people saw as i used my status to ask people online was it bob on a back up as i had already blocked her main) So if im that bad why does she keep trying to make friends? She had a chance once and she blew it, i cant stick her, dont trust her or want anything to do with her o.e

    2. I think nobody should trust her she is two faced one day she's with you and the next day she's against you and wasn't she the one who commented on your blog as (jodie pollard) saying that she's glad your back and that you were wrongly locked and now she saying all kinds of twisted stuff like the fact that you were locked twice for bullying? She didn't make her way to the top on her own she made her way to the top by the help of others and I think you know what I mean by that she has been friends with so many people and have ditched them probably because she isn't getting much attention from them but now she has moved onto roti and I think around that time or after she realised you were once again the "hot topic" of msp so she tried moving onto you

    3. Yeah she is VERY TWO FACED, the first time i ever saw her was when she was splatting my wall with hate, mine, Adept's and Star's walls and ofc i blocked her then a few months later she came back begging for forgiveness which ofc i wasnt interested, then she became mates with a few people that im close to so unblocked her but didnt have anything to do with her, it wasnt long b4 she fell out with them and started her next episode of bullying & hate campaign against them & then the wind must have changed direction again as she was soon back licking ass & asking for forgiveness :D Shes one messed up coookie :D

    4. aha :D I believe it gotten into a habit now :D anyway she'll be begging for forgiveness once everyone realises how much of an ass licking twisted cow she is and its actually funny when you think about it all her pointless efforts to form a hate group will have failed and she will be left with nothing but shame :D

  2. it looks like Sabrina can't seem to stick her nose out of people business I remember there was a time when she was involved in a argument on imvu you probably know what I am talking about but anyways lets get to my point she was completely wrong in that argument and she made herself look a twat which would probably explain why we haven't heard about her until now but it seems like she's back for more attention but this time without proof I checked her blog that she was broadcasting about and when I got there , there was nothing there..... did she realise that she was wrong about everything and decided not to blog or did she already blog something but realise how stupid she looked and decided to take it down? what ever is true I think it is best that she lets "bobzi" deal with this crap instead making herself look stupid once again

    1. Yeah i think i know what your talking about as even though i wasnt Sab mate at the time (I had deleted her for using one of my closest mates for fame o.e) she come running to me with all her shit stirring tales, kissing my ass and tried to get me involved in her fight coz ofc somewhere along the way my name was mentioned, she claimed they had fallen out over me :?s Plus she also doesnt tell people for the last few wks shes popped up on my screen trying to get me to add her (on her back up that she also uses to agree with her forum posts, what kind of freak posts a comment on her main and then backs herself up from another account making out shes a different user (plus i have proof of this as shes mailed people asking them to add her new account lol) and it was on there as my friends took a look, maybe she removed it after this post or maybe coz it did nothing for them, i had one person post on my wall asking did i need ice for my bum |O So their lame little effort to cause me hate has back fired as no one cared and i got to show my side of the story

    2. Sabrina is thirsty for attention&fame she will do anything to receive it even if she were to stick up for someone who is completely wrong or use a famous movie star for fame as long as it gives her fame&attention she will be okay with it she doesn't care how much it may effect the other person she only cares about herself she's so selfish, fame seeking people like her really pisses off but what they seem to forget is that their actions will come back to hunt them

  3. I said that you hurt my BFF AND SHE WAS CRYING and ai was the only person left who she could turn to for help. I stated that I hadn't started swearing until it got serious and you were using words such as 'cunt' you swore from the beginning don't get me wrong but I don't tolerate that sort of word and let myself get bullied for it. All I said was 'leave my friend alone' in a paragraph and get this nasty hate mail back. Also Sabrina is untitled to her own opinion. I have you blocked so hoe can you see my profile, snooping on a different account? >.< Wow bullying me on maths now are we? Maybe I have a disability, dislexia? So think before you speak. I didn't get a warning, I have some 'warnings' from you but, did you get any? Doubt not ;p

  4. I said that you hurt my BFF AND SHE WAS CRYING and ai was the only person left who she could turn to for help. I stated that I hadn't started swearing until it got serious and you were using words such as 'cunt' you swore from the beginning don't get me wrong but I don't tolerate that sort of word and let myself get bullied for it. All I said was 'leave my friend alone' in a paragraph and get this nasty hate mail back. Also Sabrina is untitled to her own opinion. I have you blocked so hoe can you see my profile, snooping on a different account? >.< Wow bullying me on maths now are we? Maybe I have a disability, dislexia? So think before you speak. I didn't get a warning, I have some 'warnings' from you but, did you get any? Doubt not ;p

    1. You have dyslexia? Right quit playing victim here I have plenty of screenshots of the way you speak and you speak perfectly just like someone without dyslexia and before you start saying I'm lying well the way you speak on instagram is clear the way you speak on people blog such as alishak other blog post is clear so quit trying to act like you actually have dyslexia and don't think your fooling us all by putting in some spelling mistake to make it look like you actually got dyslexia how sad are you?

    2. Dyslexia something to joke about alright carry on saying you have it but I will prove that you don't have it because you English is perfectly fine.. You just decided to throw in some spelling mistakes to make it look like you have dyslexia because that's how sad you are

    3. I said 'MAYBE I have dislexia, or a disability' I was stating, if I did have dyslexia then I would be offended. Not that I do have dyslexia. Oh and dyslexia isn't about spelling, it is about the function in your brain that enables you to learn as quick as other people.
