Sunday, 8 February 2015

There are so many two faced people on MSP and like to blame others for their actions, so even though her comments dont really make much sense, it seems this lying cow is blaming Adept and has sent mail to Polly licking her ass using his name -.- so explain this Pink! HE HAS NEVER EVER SPOKE TO YOU SO HOW DID HE MAKE YOU SAY IT???  LAIR!!!!!!!!!!!
Very top of messages!
Bottom of messages!
Mail sent to Parrot (taken from Polly's blog) 



  1. You yourself are 1 of those 2 faced people alisha! you are not content unless you are causing people pain you think your're so much better than everyelse well your not! and hate on me see if i care! its a free world outside of msp!!

    1. alisha is what you see is what you get.she doesn't cause pain she defends herself against u brainwashed zombies. I think your getting confused with candi the one that likes to destroy all first page highscorers to make it easier for her and holly to get to the top |O shes the one that's alwys at the center of msp wars my dear go look back at msp history (y)

    2. I dont think im better than anyone, if that was the case i would make a fucking team and get everyone to dress like me and lick my ass :) im defending adept against liars so its ok for her to use his name to get him hate to cover her ass? NO!!! (i)

    3. Excuse me Alisha! Mind your little twatty baby language stupid! Im pink and i feel really upset and angry with you know missy ive been getting hate and ur mean i was saying my opinion! I trust Polly cuz she was always there for me - unlike you! And why was i saying freealisha in Adepts guestbook u turned out to be a two faced bitch!

    4. I wont mind my own business when its bout Adept, not my fault you was caught out being a two face bitch! Thought you could past the buck and blame him, welll unlucky for you polly "who is always there for you" blogged your comments loooool so you have polly to thank for me blogging you, its called "defending" Adepts name and rep ;)

    5. hmmmmm can't Adept defend for himself :'D

    6. or do you have his password so you can go through all his messages to make sure knowone is flirting with him :D while you are locked of msp you surely want to see what is going on :) agreed with all those who are against you , you have just caused yourself trouble no wonder people did not want you on msp anymore!

    7. Yeah ofc he can defend himself but my blog gets the message out there a little louder ;) and as for going on his account, i dont need to theres other ways to show each other things :p & yeah right after two year im really gonna worry about little slappers flirting making cheap slutty comments loooolz

  2. brainwashed zombies? LOL the only brainwashed zombies here is you and Alisha because Alisha i was recently looking on another post you made and you told someone to search candi in Google images that is the most ridiculous thing i have ever come across anyone can post anything on Google images DUH next Christmas or birthday Alisha get a dictionary to finds words that support your points that aren't swearing it obviously shows us you don't have a wide enough vocabulary range. point made

  3. stalking brainwashed zombie too :o

    1. No really crazyy cute is actually saying the truth, Alishak please if u have nothing nice to say don't say it at all. -.-

    2. if u have nothin nice to say then fuck off

  4. OMG wt were u thinking when posting this Alishak you are only just causing hatred on yourself, why would u practically humiliate the poor girl , seriously !!!! and agree with crazyycutecupcake on this

    1. ohh so its ok for polly to blog it? so its ok for people to think adept made her? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! she said the words, she brought herself and adept to the limelight not me!

    2. once again brainwashed retard that think its ok for others to use mine, adepts or my friends names, WELL IT AINT AND IF THEY OR YOU DONT LIKE IT THEN DONT FUCKING USE OUR NAMES! SIMPLE!

    3. There's no reason to swear gosh, learn your english.
      And whes not a brainwashed retarded u are pls think b4 u speak

    4. Ohh look who it is, one of the champ lickers, think b4 i speak ok ~Thinking~ FUCK OFF :p

  5. Not my fault im far to intellectual for you

  6. nah swearing is common lovie incase you didn't know so ur obvs dumb as well do u want the definition for intellectual?

  7. i can say as i like its my blog (i)

  8. Yeh it's your place where you like to cause hate and spread rumours!

    1. hate? rumours? looooooooooolz the proof is there sweetie so deal with it! unlike people like you i show the proof, you just run your sad little trap off :)

  9. i guess all your brainwashed zombies are just poisend by your hatrid or your
    cockiness ??

  10. nah definitely

    1. you answered your own question so why ask it then? (i)

    2. i was seeing if u knew how much pain u were causing people stop being such a shitstirer oh im sorry i mean royal shitstirer

    3. nah just a normal girl who has to deal with trouts like you :p

    4. nah yur far from normal cos normal people dont enjoy causing others to feel upset

    5. |O says the girl that came here to insult me (i) double standards again? -B

  11. many are on polly's side as she aint stuck up like some O-o

    1. nah its those greetings she gives out, everyone knows it ;)

  12. shows commitment on the game :) ya gotta be in it to win it hay

  13. im only level 23 yet im pretty sure everyone does whatever they can for fame especially you yet you do it through seeking attention by pleeding

    1. im not even there so wot utter shit :D TALKING THROUGH YOUR DUMB ASS!

    2. so fuck off and speak when you have the FACTS! Saves you looking like a stupid bitch looking for attention and brownie points :p Off for "din dins" hope you enjoy eating your words as much as i will enjoy my roast :p

    3. atleast i dont wear my ass as a hat like you as you are talking utter shit , I know plenty of facts about you and for 1 you are stuck up 2 im suprised if you even have friends 3 you must have problems :,) and 3 you clearly have terrible music choice oh gosh

    4. Im far from stuck up so another thing your wrong bout, its not my problem your "feral" and dont know how normal people act ;)

  14. Leave chloe alone u skank

    1. fuck off, who made the comment first?????????????????????????? double standards again |O and skank? (i) such harsh words, rem

    2. lifes harsh love havt u found that out already no wonder u got locked from msp stop blamin others for wt u have done

    3. not blaming others sweetie, this post is bout someone else wrong doing (y)

    4. you really do talk shit without thinking :)

    5. i wasn't talkin bout this sweetie so stop thinking shit :) without thinking

    6. well this post is for comment bout it, not your bullshit comments :p

    7. Ha lol crazycute do u even know what skank means ??? Look it up your name may be in the description ;,)

  15. stop wearing your
    ass as a hat, it isn't pretty :)

    1. plus i would rather wear my own ass unlike you lot wearing the "Leaders" ass, its so far up there its unreal

  16. well u go on about it abit to much ^ if u have forgotten already look at what u put first ;)

    1. going on thats why you keep coming back, you seem to forget its my blog sweetie so i think i have more of a right to comment here than a rem like you ;)

    2. dish it out but cant take it back loooooooooooooooooolz

  17. cba wiv u alisha ur a trout urself going on msp to get away from ur ugliness feel free to chat on there crazyycutecupcake oh soz forgot ur locked out arnt u :')

    1. not locked out, locked on my account so your mistake is fine ;) :p

  18. Tbh, I think if you just come on to this blog to judge Ali, there is no point to it because it gets you nowhere. Let her post anything she wants, after all it is her blog (i). It is YOUR choice in whether or not you want to view the blog, after all if you don't go on to the blog, you won't be starting up something new. Yes, i'm an angeling but that doesn't mean that I have to judge Ali or listen to other people's opinions about her. I really don't care what people think about her, it's how she acts towards you. I don't think Ali would randomly start hating on someone, I mean no one would. Thats unless you want attention (i). Sorry for this long paragraph, I just want people to see that hating gets you nowhere.

    1. I agree with you.Its alishak's life she can do what she wants whether its good or bad.Her choices might affect her in the future.Im not taking sides with anyone all I'm saying is to let her do what she wants.And also we should stop picking out each other flaws all it does is cause trouble.

  19. What's the point in starting arguments in the comments? If you don't like Alisha's blog, spend your time somewhere else, because you obviously keep coming back to it... Common sense? (i)

    1. we keep comin back cos of bitches like u backstabbing us and licking alishas ars stay out of it! as i sed going on msp feel free to debate with me on there crazyycutecupcake

    2. why should she stay out of it, if your allowed to comment so is she! you dont fucking have the right to tell people what to do and yeah fuck off there back to the other ass lickers :p

    3. because if someone stepped into and started saying things like well crazyycuetcupcakes right u wud be the 1st 1 to tell them to stay out of it so yeh AND I HAVE THE FUCKING RIGHT TO WHATEVER I WANT get realistic hun its a free world outside msp duh!

    4. And why would I debate about it? :D Honestly it's as if you want to get in an argument with me

    5. i dont but when ur posting shit its the other way around hun its like u wanna join the argument sooooo...

    6. I didn't join the argument, I didn't say anything to you :P you're trying to start another one by calling me an 'arse licker' :D and apparently I'm posting shit? I thought you don't like swearing?
      I won't waste everyone's time carrying this on.. Bye, hun :)

    7. Well if you dont like it Crazy fuck off, shes just made a comment the same as you! DOUBLE STANDARDS AGAIN! >.< ALWAYS THE SAME WITH YOU LOT! THINK YOU CAN RUN YOUR THICK FUCKING MOUTHS OFF BUT NO ONE ELSE CAN!

  20. i understand your thoughts , yet about the girl ^ on picture should not of been exploit for all to see , think of how she must be feeling ??!! i do not know her but this is just being plain rude to her .

    1. idc how shes feeling, she doesnt care bout adept and his feelings and causing him hate when using his name to cover her own ass, it s a dog eat dog world, she will learn its wrong to lie bout others!

  21. yes i understand that is wrong but maybe she just wanted some attention for a change instead of all the higher levels being in charge 24'7, you dont know what it is like foreveryone else just following u and ur mates , gaining publicity ;/

  22. half my friends on msp keep bringing me back here 'LOOK AT MY COMMENT ON ALIS BLOG' ffs idgaf

  23. the moral of this blogpost don't twist truths about others to cause hate abit like your leaders have done BY BLOGGING PEOPLE FIRST! and look how they got hate on ishacool, chuck, roxy1 and alishak because they think they have the right to go around exposing people for their own ends not because they think its right but because underneath it all they are the fame monsters (y) who is their next victim ...they started all this hate and now they sit back quietly while you lil cherubs do their dirty work. so dumb brainwashed and its easy for them too brainwash and manipulate you cause they are much older then you pft..
    you lot let msp be about the highscorers because you treat them like they are celebrities and they treat you like low class unlike me I talk to everyone on the same level..don't worship the high levels so much they are just people that played the game well a game. don't try getting attention on msp by involving yourself in the highscore wars especially when you really don't know what who and why it all started .

    1. Bravo x-o ~ Claps~ looooooooooooooolz

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  24. flipflop they aren't commenting now because they have spread enough hate that you lil cherub brainwashed numptys do the commenting for them ..they started the blogs just because alisha suddenly decided to fight back with a blog they shut theres down just to make alisha look like the bad one go open your eyes your so confused you dont know if your coming on going. :) no ones talking about you in this post so how are you defending yourself ..flip flop not every post is about you come here coz msp is boring now you have no one to hate and do drama on (I) I come here because alisha is my very close mate I have also at one time or another been friends with your leaders and the fake too sweet niceness didn't fool me :) I see clearly what they do
    anyone that challenges them or gets in their way they get locked theres too many its happened too

  25. alisha has every right to blog after the months of holly and candi blogging so you stfu and gtfo they are just getting what they dished out least alishas acting her age those two should of grown up by now :(

  26. zzz funny how they aint on msp for fame but they sure are trying hard to work up tht highscore page xD fame monsters undercover :D not commenting and doing the right thing looool they just don't wanna risk getting locked out of msp sooo slyyyyy that's all it is being sly;)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. your reaction is because you cant argue those points I made I have watched from the day the blogging first started so I know what im talking about zzz

  27. i aint got a leader i aint an angeling so yeh get ur facts right i support the angelings they are not any1 leader and they dont wannna be so stuff ur pointless comments up ur arse

    1. my pointless comments are coming from watching and observing how that group and their leaders plan and scheme ..your just dismissing my points cause you know I have a point :) and you know jack shit about anything ..just coming here with hate ...this post is to clear up lies theres nothing wrong in that right?havent them lot been blogging alisha and me ? so that's fine and we just have to take it ??? don't think so ..we don't do the crying im quitting shiz:( we defend and fight back :) try to remain calm its not good for your blood pressure

  28. I think to your mistaken Ali. She was not liking Pollys ass; simply standing up for what she belives in and if you have a problem with that then don't blog it. Imagine how she feels now. She said sorry. Didn't you see, or are you visually impaired? You and star sent somebody to have serious depression and she hid from you. I don't hear things like that about Polls, Holly or candi so Mabye your should shut that bitchy mouth of yours and think before you speak

    1. it was licking her ass and trying to past the blame when she was fucking caught out! the things people say to get added (i) saying sorry doesnt include lying bout others you stupid bitch!

    2. you lot are that fucked up and walk around with your eyes closed its unreal, and yeah i bet she did, like all the lying little cows that play the victim but use other accounts to contact me :p and go away with your comments as your "depressing me too" ;)

  29. loool who have I sent off with serious depression > if your talking about the girl this post is about well ive never talked to her ever don't hear from candi and hollys victims cause they are usually locked out zzz and again I repeat they started it allll alishas just clearing up a few of the lies they and their gang have been maliciously spreading ..don't you think the months and months of hate and bullying by a whole group of people hasnt affected alisha >> just because she puts up a strong front does not mean she isn't suffering too ...the people you say she causes pain for come LOOKING FOR THE TROUBLE FIRST! then cant handle it their crying is self inflicted ....

    1. and dont you love star these peope play victims just they started it, ALWAYS! and for the retards that still like to claim not they didnt, how else would we have found these trouts if they hadnt of come to me/us first!

    2. Star? Did I ask for your appinion? No! I clearly said "Ali"

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  30. Angelings are a group built on hate not talking about all just that same few that like hating on alisha for a pass time ..the angelings that harmlessly take part in angeling fun are the ones I respect

    1. dont you love star, they are all bullied,all victims yet keep coming here and like rachels comments above says, they talk bout it on msp and tell each other to come here, im sure thats bullying, isnt it? (i)

  31. yeah I feel bad that so many of them suffer that to make themselves feel better they come here to bully no one left on msp to bully I guess:/ oh wait I seen a few bullying adept even tho he aint online atm (I) they cant say he started anything there can they ?

    1. You have no, NO sympathy. Are you some kind of psycho? People CUT because of your snarky bullshit you tell them. I'm not perfect. But don't go on shitting on everyone else if your not the person they are aiming the comment to.

  32. Okay, I agree with both sides here!! But its alishas side more. Its her blog!! And even if it is wrong,SO WHAT. Ali didn't started this.

  33. I am not 2 faced For you information ALISHA! I wanted to free you but then I trust Polly as well and she told me the whole story and I found out it was Clyde who locked you out! And now people are giving me hate because of you!


    2. plus dont believe her bull shit and loadssss of people saw her that day! On her back up running her mouth off maybe i should even blog her status bout me? show you what shes really like, wks b4 anything even happening with clyde, SHE FUCKING STARTED IT AND IS NOW HIDING, LIKE SHE ALWAYS DOES!
