Friday, 13 February 2015


 Wow I can't believe it's our 3rd Valentine's Day together (i)

       It's gone so fast! In that time we have gone through so much.
Real life stuff and ofc regarding MSP looolz, how things have
changed, different accounts, different games but never has
our relationship or feelings changed! (i) In fact when times 
are hard for us, it pulls us closer together. What we have is
 real and our bond is so special and you are such an important 
part of my life and there's not a person in the world that 
I trust as much as I trust you, we have shared so many 
experiences & secrets, some serious and some just plain 
odd (i) looolz but we have never judged each other and we 
have just done what we usually do, burst out laughing looolz 
It's like you was made just for me, it's odd, as in so many 
ways we are so different (maybe we shouldn't work) but 
at the same time so alike, your like a boy version of me 
O.O looolz, the same sense of humour and morals.You are 
even willing to make a fool of yourself singing to me on 
Skype, as you know even though I find it so cute, it's just so 
funny looolz. How your little head bobs back & fore and you 
look so happy & proud PHAHAHAHA. Singing our very own 
version of songs O_o looolz It hurts my belly so bad from 
laughing but also melts my heart EE> My very own little pop 
star (i) |B At times like that, when we are smiling & laughing 
together, it's like we are the only two people in the world & 

nothing else matters, they are just such special moments and 
memories will remember, love & treasure forever! 
I love you "Moomoo" 

Happy Valentine's Day
Love Lishaboo <333


  1. Happy Valentine's Day:) & I wish you both the best <3

  2. I like the neck tatt o.o Can I have the name? :)

  3. aw so sweet Alisha like u i never thought i wud find love on an online game so happy i did even if he did disappear for a few weeks while he was recuperating ;p glad u both soo happy despite everything uve been thru shows how strong real love is <33

  4. Relationship goals
