I just wanted to say I hope you have an awesome Birthday Sauces coz behind those "Massive hands" and "Toffee nose" you are kinda a special person (plz note I added "Kinda" after all it's only your Birthday and not an April fools trick ;) looooolz) I guess adding you on MSP and putting up with your awful outfits and shitty jokes were worth it, coz I truly have found a good Friend acquaintance. Our friendship isn't about licking each other asses and calling each other "MSP sister's" (all that fake crap), it's about us taking the piss and insulting each other and just having a laugh but still knowing we will be there for each other when times are hard, which you have been there for me over the last few wks, more than I ever thought you would have been so tysm for everything & for being my "True friend" & that's why I hope & think you deserve an extra special day! xXx
P.s How big was that ring box? As that ring must be the size of a Hula hoop :o looooolz