Tuesday, 28 October 2014

I love the fact you want to give me the crown of being the biggest "BULLY on MSP", well personally i think that crown belongs to you! :p You have the cheek and audacity to fling shit in my direction and yet look at you! -.- Do you really think people are that thick that they believe the shit you feed them? Don't you think people notice as soon as you log on,the splatting starts? All your little bitches bouncing from wall to wall trying to impress you, knowing your watching and waiting like a fucking photographer snapping away for your next bullshit blog!  |O  You talk about the videos of me on you tube, more propaganda shit! (i)  95% of those videos are made by Angelings don't you think people see that? Least when you leave MSP it will give people something to remember you for, as there's fuck all else they will! :p Your the most boring fucking player I've ever crossed paths with, so come on MISS FUCKING HIGH & MIGHTY, apart from being the blogger of the year & MAIN INSTIGATOR OF TROUBLE, what have you actually achieved? Not a fucking lot! You slag people off for being FAME MONSTERS or not earning their own fame and  yet you didn't even manage to get yourself to level 25 >.< You climbed inside a pair of trousers and become the back end of Candi's pantomime horse, it's not surprising you speak so much shit with all the ass licking you do! It was HER that got you there so why people look up to you amazes me :?s 

Your also that fucked up you seem to think if your not an Angeling then any other friendship on the game isn't real :?s Look at the way you have gone after STAR! -.- Just who the fuck do you think you are? Slagging her off, dragging her name through the shit, trying to make out shes changed due to me, more BULLSHIT! Your beef started with Star over a year ago when you once again jumped into a drama on MSP that you knew fuck all about! -.- How you slagged her off due to a fake artie, spamming the artie, splatting walls and you didn't shut your big fucking mouth until Candi stepped in and why did Candi step in Holly? (i) Coz the girl you was "defending" was in fact having a "private party" with Candi's BF on IMVU, would you call it private when it included a threesome? ;) loooooolz. Wow how quickly you moved onto your next victim! (i) Like it or lump it Holly, Star picked me over you! Even after she received very interesting mail from one of your closest "confidons" warning her to be careful, warning her that she was going to be YOUR NEXT VICTIM, and was about to be blogged by you! She still picked ME that's shows a true friend right? ;) So instead of worrying about Star maybe you should be trying to work out who the RAT is in your CAMP! :p 


  1. Well said Alisha :D

  2. Why dont you just shut up ? Once again its full o lies with NO PROOF WHATSOEVER ! :p

    1. ohhh its coming, but not on mine, thats left for star to show the world ;)

    2. Ali Tbh Hollyh Is Not A Bully Look In The Mirror Your The bully Swearing At lil Kids On A Game I Bet Your Like So Werido Who Is Like 88

  3. really? (i) thats coming on stars blog :p

  4. Omg !! You didnt curse at me im so proud ;p & I bet (i) Probably either edited or nothing ALARMING xD Leave holly alone, cause I will bite you back 10x as hard :)

  5. I never knew that about Holly. I don't think my net sister Sophie will be too happy about this. But I still love you Ali. Btw, I am new on msp, my user is AliRulez, I joined a week ago |B

    1. Emelie, u r right... I do not like this at all :/ But if you do truly love Alisha, I am happy for you :) If it makes you happy, I am absolutely fine about it.

  6. Why do you keep trying? Just give up already and stop trying to be someone your not.it's never going to work.Anyone who supports you will eventually come to their senses and realise your true colours.
    BTW holly tells the truth unlike you. All you do is twist things and try to make yourself look good......if holly's the bully why did you get locked out before instead of holly.So stop wasting our time and your time and also do yourself a favour and stop messing with holly before things gets worse ;)

    1. Twisting things? looolz wotever and yeah i got locked sweetie onlt to return a wk later with a nice gift of vip from msp for THEIR MISTAKE! :p so stick that in your pipe and smoke it you stupid bitch ;) and things get worse? dont make me laugh you dumb fuck!

    2. Are you always so stupid or are you making a special effort today?You do twist things you FUCKTARD!!! You don't know half of the things your saying.Enjoy the fake fame while it lasts XD

    3. Fake fame? ohh you mean the stuff you earn on msp, the fake fame holly was getting trying to stop adept passing her, spending all those fake diamonds on it? for a fake place on a fake scoreboard? loooooolz

  7. Okay.. Hypocrite alert! You tell candi off for swearing~ erm. Look at this post? o_o also holly wasn't level 25 because she cares about friendship over fame and actually has a life in real and she didn't spend hours on stupid fame and Holly's fame is REAL unlike ur fake fame Alisha.. Stop bashing holly and candi.. Stop bashing the angelings! Thank you! :)

    1. wdf are you taking about? lolz was you there and btw bout the bullshit dont care bout fame thats odd she spent over 200 diamonds in 4/5 days trying to stop adept passing her (i) and another lovely image is candi on Google images asking for greetings on her status :D

    2. Ali....google images are proberly fucking from ages ago fucking moron

    3. Google images can be edited.. If you really wanna continue this pathetic war, do and get some REAL proof and don't just spread fucking lies -.- also how do u know holly used 200 diamonds? Did you hack her or something?!

  8. Listen I know you want attention Fuck ur boyfriend adept o ya u both have dicks u gay bitchs go lick your cock and take drugs oh ya u already on drugs like 24/7 . Your just jealous that there gorgeous and they have a life but you just sit their and be a fucking thick u stupid for god sake Grow up why don't u go buy a life on ebay the will give u a discount
    .....So Stfu

  9. Jesus Christ more drama. When's everything gonna stop? It drives me insane, & I preferred the old MSP a lot more than this, it's so messed up now!!! Everyone's changed. I know I have, you don't need to remind me, everything is so different. #BringBackHowItWasIn2012 ;)

  10. cant say i agree at all with this post.
    btw whats with this:
    do you realise your saying:
    i wish i loved you more

  11. nope actually i just reread that and it says
    i love you more than anything, probs shouldnt have dropped out of arabic class 'lolz'

  12. why make this post. leave holly alone. this is all loes, wheres your proof? you dont have any do you? (i)

