Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Naughty Naughty Candi (i)

It seems you been deleting parts of your blogs posts Candi (i) I'm talking about the post you made of me and that shocked most people who read it! >.< The post that showed your true colours, all your BULLYING, SWEARING and NAME CALLING and why is that Candi to once again TWIST the TRUTH? To once again make out someone else (me this time) started it? Coz after reading the following post you made on someone's blog, i laughed and went back to get a few pics from yours to show people but its gone :o Why is that Candi???????????? Maybe your ashamed by your own behavior or maybe you thought it was once again ok to bash me for something you have in fact done YOURSELF!!! Well its to late to cover your dumb ass tracks as HUNDREDS of people saw it, it was the talk of MSP (i) and it wasn't the hot topic coz of me, it was coz people was DISGUSTED BY YOU! ;)

Wow such hard fighting talk too Candi (she is nothing to fight when i get to her) is that a threat? Am i meant to be scared and shaking in my boots? GROW UP! (i)  & MSP reading messages thats been going on for AGES and another way for me to prove your full of shit as you claim and blog to know wot goes on in mine and Adept's mail ;) We are law abiding Mspians (i) & as for passing Isha & Roxy nahhhh i will have long left the game by then, unlike you I wont still be playing msp as an ADULT! :p


  1. Alisha.. Give it up.. The angelings have such a strong bond and no matter how much shit you throw at us and how much you constantly bash us we won't fall and we'll just carry on ;) you wanna make these lying posts? Go ahead.. But just know that no true angeling will believe the lies you spread :) so if I were you I'd give it up. And btw, if candi wants to swear on her blog let her be. Her blog is her blog, and there's no rules in blogspot saying you can't swear. :) you blocked me on msp for standing up with the angelings and fighting back against the DEATH THREATS some of your fans were giving holly and candi.. I and the angelings have every right to fight back when we get bashed :) angelings are unbreakable!!

    1. loooolz i couldnt give a shit bout your bond |O its not about that your all fucking welcome to each other! Maybe when those bitches fuck off and stop telling THEIR LIES then things will calm down! :p Thick shit did i say she wwasnt allowed to swear :?s not infact look in my lower post i say she can, my point is SHES GONE BACK AND DELETED THEM! READ IT FUCKING TIDY! -.-

    2. I'm not reading the whole post -.- and why can't you just post about something OTHER THAN candi holly and the angelings? Are u srsly that obsessed? You clearly enjoy the drama if your this eager to carry it on.. And you should care about the angelings bond, because if we didn't have that bond you'd have won this "war ages ago, but the angelings arnt going to split over these dumb blog posts.. So WHY are you still trying? I'm no hater.. I don't even know you but you better sort this out.. Like srsly.. It's not so much you but your 'loyal' followers bashing us CONSTANTLEY. K by


    4. looolz obsessed, nah its defending myself after i sat and watched them slag me off for months on theirs, i think their the obsessed ones (i) ohhhh fuck off bout a bond, never heard such shit in my life loooolz

    5. well WHY THE FUCK CANT holly or candi post about something other than PEOPLE THEY HATE you stupid bitch rosie

    6. Lol rosie its funny how angelings use the term ''unbreakable'' Oh hun, unless you decide to remain on this this game till the day you die then yes you are breakable,

    7. Okay first of all don't call my an immature bitch, it's childish stupid and just messed.. Especially when you don't know me -.- Ali hurt many angelings and we have the right to go onto her blog and defend our selves.. And angelings have a way stronger friendship and bond than any other team on msp so get that through your head please..

  2. Angelings aren't strong at all misses -.- Ali is correct!

  3. rosie fuck of ur just some bitch trying to say that angelings are stronger than the better people like me gruby toni ali adept sinch SO JUST BACK OFF HER BLOG IF U DONT WANT ANY TROUBLE

    1. Fuck off u low life u are a prick

    2. Angelings are the stronger people btw :)

    3. And also don't be so DAMN IMMATURE AS TO CALL ME a BITCH. You immature childish girl on the web hiding behind their screen thinking you'll get away with that :) not on my watch bae xx

    4. And @iggy ty for defending me and angelings xx Ly xxx

    5. rosie ur the immature girl -im only defending me and my true friends

  4. Ur a bitch alishak u get fucked u whore

    1. aww thats mature comment :) did you think of it all by yourself? (i) so couldnt think of anything intelligent to say so spammed shit |O

    2. stfu angelings slaged u on ur blog post holly like me , rosie , deronica , rio u couldn't ever answer cuz u can't slag angelings won u . And u call me stupid the whole Definition of stupid is in this blog

  5. stfu angelings slaged u on ur blog post holly like me , rosie , deronica , rio u couldn't ever answer cuz u can't slag angelings won u . And u call me stupid the whole Definition of stupid is in this blog

  6. fuck of her blog ANGELINGS thank u for ur mature comment saying that im a low life prick FUCK OF U BITCHES ALL OF U ARE FUCKING ASSHOLES

  7. Can you just stop ALI cause tbh ur not making anyone laugh or winding anyone up with this crap :) Just advice, take it or leave it cause if you leave it your walking into thicker water (:

  8. well you keep coming back rio (i) and i will do as i like thanks, just like those TROUTS who blogged for months and months so fuck off!

    1. :D Well said Alisha XD

    2. Yeah Ali Keep Spreading Your Lies Your Such a childish 3 year old

    3. you guys are blinded as fuck, alisha is at least making a point all candired is doing is posting hate on her and making it her goal to show that ali is a bully which is really funny coz shes trying to achieve that goal by bullying ali back,

    4. Why trouts, Ali? Couldn't you think of a better insult?? (i

  9. Wow Alisha grow up. I mean WOW swearing on a kids game calling people trouts. Would it kill you to be nice for once? Propelly! You may have brain washed some but you'lll never brain wash me, Izzy, Holly, candi and some many more...! Anyway the reason you made this blog was to hate on angelings and to get a reaction you don't just like ahte you love it a chance to cry, complain to your boyfriend and wallow in your self pity (y)

    1. ''you don't just like ahte you love it a chance to cry, complain to your boyfriend and wallow in your self pity (y)'' LMAO can anyone else see how this sentence exactly and perfectly describes candired, candired is the only one who uses hate to complain and show how she is the only victim,

    2. Yeah right? Oh come on open your eyes and see how evil Alisha is! She is rude and arogant. Look at the laungeshe uses this blog is viewed by young children. Leave Candired and Hollyrenee alone!

    3. Its only like candi used but then hide hers (i)

    4. She doesn't say half as many bad words as you and they are much milder -.-

    5. no coz when everyone comments she went back and deleted them :p hiding the TRUTH!

    6. @eleri: 1. LEARN TO SPELL (y)
      2. Just leave, who actually likes you here?
      3. You bash alisha for blogging about candi and holly but they started it, they do it all the time (i)

    7. @Katie 1) Idc about spelling
      2) I'm standing up for my team
      3) Heros and that lot go bash Holly on her blog and tbh this blog is full of lies

    8. You say it's full of lies when there's SCREENSHOTS? Lawd give me strength...

  10. I pity you. For wastin your time slamming us. Yeah ok, Angelings arent perfect as some angelings say, well the one who is replacing me |O but tbh we know we're not perfect, well 99.9% but ur side ? 99.9 % of you think ur top dog & flawless. Psstt I'm so proud of you keeping my name outta ur posts :) I promise I'm not sitting here and letting you wreck me & my mates. NEVER

    1. excuse lil bitch, but you friends are the ones who are wrecking alishaks name, BOTH OF THEM candi and holly have blogs with so many posts on ali and when ali FINALLY decides to make a blog to defend herself against all the shit they been saying about her she gets all this for it, WHY dont you put yourself in her position, wouldnt you do exactly what she is doing after all the fuck candi n holly been sayin about her,

  11. why are you angelings even reading this blog :?s! If u dont like it go read hollys and candis blog of lies? :/

  12. ok @rosie ugh ok just replying to the strong bond bit, who the hell are you kidding honey? so If i become an angeling does God send a divine revelation that makes me automatically bonded to the angelings, ? Omg LOL the hillarious shit that comes out your guys mouth

    1. Actually bae, I didn't reply to your pathetic comment cause I actually have a life and don't want to waste it defending myself all the time -.-

    2. Rosie defend yourself? your running your mouth off so if you dont want come back dont comment, im sure thats easy to work out even for someone as backwards as you

    3. I'm the backwards one? Hmm.. You clearly don't know yourself very well Ali -.-


  14. um, alisha. I srsly need to talk to you now. Idc if we hate each other like a dog and cat about to beat each others asses. I just need to talk. And it wont cause any shit cause it needs to be dealt with. So hear me out. Pls. Just reply to me ;-;

    1. btw its Sky93, you might recognize my name ._.

  15. Go Alishak!! Preach It Sista....Pmsl xD

  16. To be honest Ali i agree with CAndi again for something :) You just miss her lol. So your thinking if i trash them they might be my friends again (: 'wot' is funny about basically making peoples lives hell? cuz tbh your not just being mean to C & H your being mean to all angelings... and its not bloody fair! Some angelings might not even be involved at all! But your still basically trashing them... Srsly if we were picking on your fans you'd be right out with: LEAVE THEM ALONE. So DONT PICK ON THE ANGELINGS! So Ali just think about that please :) i know ur delete this comment cause it says some truth :)

    1. Your Saying Ali Picks On All Angelings? Candired Does Aswell, Deleting Them If They're Not Her Precious Angelings!


    2. There Is Something Called Lag Dumb Fuck

    3. When Isha Deletes It Is Lag But Yet Angelings Complain...

  17. you think nobody has rights to fight back and then you do it anyway..i dont get it? Your suck a fame seeker you do all this for attention and fame!
