Monday 13 April 2015


As some people are aware yday I decided to use my fame mag & piggy to claim the spot on highscores that is rightfully MINE........ 4th Place! :p
So thank you so much to all my friends that helped me achieve this and that mailed me & Adept with messages showing how happy they were for me |B (i) & also sticking with me over the last few months when the true meaning of friendship showed itself <3
HATERS: Who would have guessed apart from my closest friends that I could have claimed that spot anytime I wanted to, so all those lies and hate that Angelings spread about me and all those false reports were really in vain looooolz. 
I'm well aware of all the backstabbing and outright lies that went on, trying to stop me passing Candi esp from the likes of  people like Pollypopkins ~  I saw the mail you sent people about me! -.-  Once again showing what a lying bitch you really are & how you claimed YOU would stop me passing loooooooolz. Do you think for one second your any match for me????? (i) :p You were the butt of our jokes for hours, with us knowing that I was sitting on a mag and piggy worth millions and millions! ;)  & I could shatter your little world whenever I decided to but I hung in there to prove I wasnt the fame monster you and the "Followers" portrayed me to be and ofc I enjoyed you all flapping those "Seagull wings" (i) ;)
I think I've said enough on this matter as the pics below speak for themselves, revenge is best served cold!

P.s I hope theres no hard feelings Candi coz you know deep inside your heart that place was mine anyway and seeming as you claim you dont play anymore it shouldnt really worried you that I passed you!!!!!!!!!! LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLZ


  1. I see MSP finally unlocked you!! Welcome back (finally) :D

    1. Thanks :) and i can see below that someone is after promotion or is it just attention ? |O

    2. She didn't deserve her account back all she wants is fame and to hurt others.
      Now bringing Polly into this Polly is better than Alishak could ever be as she's nice and actually has a heart and has a real personality.
      Those who actually like Alishak are just looking for attention and to look 'cool' by sucking up to her to try and be friends. Pathetic much (:
      - Stellafox09876

    3. If you dislike alishak...then why come to her blog? Pathetic Much? (:

    4. Whatever stella (i) Aww i bet you hate spamming my wall with hate :p and omgg me and adept pissed ourselves yday when you tried adding him, you must be fucking joking if he would add a bitch like you! ;)

    5. & now bringing Polly into it? Maybe look lower b4 you speak as shes been on my blog a few times, just proves your a silly little cow jumping in without facts (i) & i have a massive heart and personality just dont waste it on fickle lickers like you :p

    6. Sorry but I don't go on your retarded blog much xoxo
      I'm glad you're not on the highscores anymore because you never deserved it you didn't even deserve your account back. I pity you. (:

    7. LOL, you NEED to add me. Your class xD You go girl xP

    8. Once again, look b4 you speak loooolz i am there (i) 4th place like the pic shows sweetie, just click the button & i couldnt give a shit what you think of me, as people saw the type of person YOU ARE on my wall :p Aww adept not adding you yday must have really hurt you ohhh lets change that to blocked you ;) looooolz

    9. Tell him I said thank you ;)
      You can block me as well please do x

    10. Jim it's 'You're' now you've fallen flat on your face. HA! ;) LOOLZ

    11. YASSS UR UNLOCKED sorry I was late to this since i was on holiday with no flipping WiFi I was waiting for this to happen I remember u telling me about ur fame mag and piggy bank in ur blog chat and Stella hun Ali has a personality not like u ever even talked to her in a normal manor -dramatically leaves the room-

  2. Leave Polly out of this, she hasn't done anything to you in ages. Your a bully to many, and I know you get bullied, doesn't give you an excuse to take out your anger on innocent people. I talk to Polly nearly everyday, I know her like the back of my hand, she never mentions your name. So yh, point proven. and I quote, "its things like that that set off new hate" "loooooooooooolz" I don't even get why you take high scores so seriously, you act all mature and grown up, well then little lady, your gonna be all grown up in the real world soon, if not already, and your days of typing and clicking will be over. Moviestarplanet is for fun and friends, not blogs and hate. Katy Perry said it perfectly, "You become what you despise, a stereotype" LOOOOOLZ, you preached and preached and preached before about how the "Adults" (Sorry I didn't realise how much of a stalker you were to know people's ages O.O) had taken over msp and only cared about fame. Alisha.... your on your way to the stereotype that you are against loooooooooolz You leave my Polly Dolly out of this, would you like it if someone blogged about Star, or Groovy, or Jed, or Sauces, or Adept, NOOOOO, so don't be a hypocrite and blog about other peoples friends because, Polly does have friends as much as you want to think she doesn't, she does, and you don't know her personally enough for you to say otherwise. So don't name drop Polly out of the blue because that's you starting Bullying and hate right there, YOU starting it.

    1. Why dont you mind your own business LICKER!!!!!! I think we already had this conversation a few months ago and you think im reading all that your having a laugh ;) Go look for your attention somewhere else coz i couldnt give a shit what you say and just remember its my blog :p Btw have you told your mates the truth about yourself yet? ;) So run along back to hollys blog like you said in that last conversation coz to me it looks like your still mad you got blocked from the chat box loooooooooooooooolz

    2. LOOOOOOOLZ Remove yourself and Do one (y) You think all my friends don't know, STUPID YOU. LOL, They all know xD So stop trying to use that against me :P And btw, dropping names doesn't make you smart ALISHA. They have all seen my bad side while under your illusion loooooolz they all know who I was, and who I am now. I am way different. People change hun. I am actually jealous of all the people who haven't met you yet x-o A true friend is someone who knows your past and all your faults and FORGIVES THEM! Because my friends are FORGVING, unlike you =^.^=

    3. Jim you just don't tell someone to 'Do one' when it's there blog... 😂

    4. Your getting on on this Owen? What about your girl friend, PollyPopkins, the one who actually had her name bad mouthed, not just saying to me some smart ass comment. I can say it, I just did, free country, Public blog, your word bank is different to mine anyway Owen, do one means go **** yourself, not go away as it will to you >.< and don't be so smart when you spelt Their wrong >.< Just remove yourself and do one looooooooolz

    5. Jim, the reason why you shouldn't be here is because you was only with polly under 3/4 months ago so you have zero room to comment. And if you stopped opening your mouth making it out like you're some clever prick by correcting me on my grammer like someone who can't think of a better comeback you would've seen what I said the first time you mentioned 'Alishit' as a comment to me and I said back 'Alisha' no I'm not Licking but I've made it clear that I have nothing against alisha. Call me bad if you wish for not sticking up for polly but it doesn't bother me because you're far from perfect for saying that to me. You've been in arguments before and couldn't take it. So stfu. But hey if you want to play that game.. It's spelt 'Girlfriend' lolA*

    6. remove myself :?s its my blog you retard and if you dont like the comments dont come here and correcting owen on his grammar |O Do you think anyone gives a shit but at least unlike you he didnt get his sex wrong on msp (y) or do you enjoy pretending to people that your something that your not? Yeah i think thats right coz not only do you pretend to be a boy but i also have lovely mail of you Jim claiming to be peoples friends when mailing me slagging them off behind there backs >.< Your just a sado looking for attention Jim and you proved that in the past with all your wall licking & when you kept on telling me to blog you so run along coz your so boring |O

    7. Damn jim u called polly ur doll and ur acting all tough lmao go play with ur barbie dolls.

  3. You think your clever with your smart ass comments? Really? You had incorrect grammar Owen and you spelt grammar wrong, not "grammer". No Owen I never say alishit loooolz. Also Owen, since we are playing the correction game, you never start a sentence with "and" Stop making this all about me. I'm not the one calling your girlfriend am I?

    1. Jim you slag everyone off but unlike some people like me, you do it on chat where you think it will never see the light of day, your a gutless lickle lickers that like i said b4 no one should trust ;)

  4. Jim. You're doing it again. U seem to enjoy it.

    1. I'm here because my BFF (Yh, you know, we are actually closer than what you believe) Has had her name dropped out of the blue for no other reason than hate. What Owen, come on? How am I not close with her. I do more than you do. I'm here fighting her case, fighting for her to be seen better, fighting because I CARE! Oh, you know Owen, we all know that it's just bog standard to talk for 11 hours, at least in your head it must be, and your the king, all hail Owen! You turn this on yourself, shes you GF, shouldn't you be at least saying, back off or something? I think shes worth more than what Alisha said, correct me if I'm wrong but isn't she worth more than that? BFF Owen, does that name come lightly to you. I have now right to comment on her behalf? I'm telling you now Owen, thin ice, that's turn this back to the main reason, YOU didn't and I did! So if I'm just that much of a "bottom end friend" then why am I staying by her while your congratulating Alisha on her way back to MSP?

    2. You're pathetic at times. You seem to like bragging about the length of time you talk to her. If you're so obsessed with talking to her, why don't you just spend all day everyday with her. I do have a life. I'm not sure who drilled it into your thick skull that I'm supposed to spend 24/7 with one person only. I seem to remember you coming on msp to tell me to what is it? Get out the mall with Kateth and Sapphire and hang with someone more important. Excuse me, you have 0 power over who I hang with. You seem to fixated with throwing around the fact that you're the eye in the sky, telling me that I need to be with her. I'll be with who I want. You might enjoy being the backend of many many people's pantomime horses to get you that one shoutout.. But I don't need to. And the bottom line, I thought you knew I wasn't an angeling, I don't need to be one if polly is. You would always sing candireds praises, when me and candired cant stand each other. That's the reason I leave when you start talking about her. Need I say more or has this managed to get through to you yet. Alisha isn't the only person who I congratulate on getting an account back so don't bring something pathetic like that up -.- Oh dear. I'm stopping this, because I'm getting nowhere trying to get it through to you're thick head.

    3. LOL, I never said that, unblock me and screenshot it with proof, not edits. Whats the matter, can't? Owen the only time I ever spoke to you on msp is when Polly told me to ask you to come. I didn't want to talk to you, but she did, so she'd ask me to ask. Get your facts right, you make an argument public on someone else's blog? That's pathetic. I came here for Pollys sake, not to argue with you, so stfu. Peace and Love Bitch (y)

    4. Looolz, practise what you preach ;) I just said it, free world, free blog, my laptop yada yada. I'm only doing what you are LolA*

    5. Are you on Alisha's side? Aren't you dating Polly? wtf

    6. Excuse me, but incase you're not aware. Me and candired don't get along -.- So I can choose who I want to stick up for. Yes polly may be an angeling... but I certainly ain't ;) |O

    7. That's kind of awkward if you're not on the same team when she's a member :o

    8. Well I'm sorry not sorry... but I'm not singing someone's praises if I don't respect them.... end of.

    9. Wth? You're against ur GF? Even if you don't like Candi u seriously just let Alisha talk about Lexie like that?

    10. Well I have nothing against alisha... what polly and Alisha have against each other is nothing to do with me :p

    11. i know where urloyalties lie now obvs not with me enjoy your new friends and good luck your gonna need it

    12. Maybe he knows you to well and knows im speaking the truth! How mean and what a cow you really are, coz it doesnt matter if you try and hide your dark side, you know deep inside EVERYTHING I SAID IS TRUE!

  5. loool Jim owns the comments xD


    1. you stalker. how'd you know? oh right, you're kermit


  7. Can I eat with you Sav x-o

    1. But I wanna eat, why won't you let me have some CRISPS! NOT CHIPS XD

  8. Replies
    1. Miss Piggy what?

    2. ☺ Bbg you better give me some xD Do you ship Jav? xDDD

    3. course i ship jav xDD omg who doesn't? XD

  9. Congratttsssssssss ;D You deserve that space after what msp done to you D; xDD Hope soon we can start over loool xD Congrats x

  10. welcome back i'm sooooo happy for you :) ignore the idiots coming here to cause drama looking for attention and trying to get free fame we call it piggy backing ;p . This clearly is is not an angelings member's blog so why do all you angelings come stalk lol nose bags;p
    This is Alisha's blog JIM/LOLA the only opinion here that actually matters is Alisha's not yours and you can't dictate who comments or who is friends with Alisha's .So if you have a problem and you want to vent go elsewhere amd maybe do one ;p

    1. Which one is lola ;p and lool can't agree more

    2. the /he/she/it known as jim mess ;p nice to meet u btw :)

    3. Looolz u too! ;) And aha I've been figuring out what to call Jim for a loooong time ;p

  11. Ahhhh, its so nice to see some friends here are with me on this, Sarah, Sav, even that other girl that I don't know that took on the big dog, I need you on my friends list. You seem awesome. Love you Sav and praise the lord sarah, your back for good now xD Love you both. As for the likes of you Jed. Get your own vocab instead of stealing other peoples trying to be cool. You can't touch this swagger jagger. Haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake it off xP And btw, who are you lot to say who's an angeling or not. Don't bring the name down because a few 'attention seekers' (but really we are more than that, really we are just defending mutual friends. As you lot would do, Hypocrites!) Decide to stand for what's right. So get your comments and shove them where the sun don't shine because your ass's are jealous of how much **** comes out your mouth xD Do one, Peace and love, To Sav and Sarah, ly <3

  12. go away ur such a nasty girl jim ur jealous of everyone its your jealosuy and hate that drags u here or why else would u be here ?, i'm Alisha's friend that is why i'm here .I find people like u offensive and sneaky and untrustworthy if u can deny ur gender for soo long what else are u really capable off..... btw where i live we have freedom of speech and the 'do one i' is a phrase i've used many times u don't own it and if my grammar or typing skills don't meet ur high standards u know wat u can dooo ??? yupp u can do one ;p

    1. Lol, get a life JED. If you hate a problem with someone making an account of a FAKE avatar, then bigger fool you LOL! I'm not the one that's in denile hun, that would be you. You think I'm the only one? I know at least 20 people who have gender twists LOL! Someone as high a level as 39 or 40 idrk. Lol, get your free speech and shove it missy. You should practice what YOU preach miss know it all! You honestly think your name calling hurts me. Nah, you a speck, a tiny, useless mark on this world that won't do anything for it, but creat gasses and pollute the world and rob it of its goodness. Unlike you, me and my friends do something, we are NICE not bully's like some... You can take your words and all your lies, oh oh oh, I really don't care xP Do one, lol, nothing better to do than copy what someone you hate says.... NO. Good day and blessing to those I love :* Not you lot LOL

    2. well said jim you are a true friend <33

    3. ur here for same reason as the above um girl ;p

    4. You leave Polly alone you stalker. At least my friends are real and don't need to glitch their way into a game LOL Who's placeholderforalishak? LOL been using hacking tools much? Proberly that Charls thing that's all over youtube xD Now again, more brownie points. You can trade them in for....FAME ROTFL fame is your game you fame seekers xD love you polly, not this cray cray animal xD

    5. dont worry jim love you too a true friend you are not fake like these lol

    6. looooooooolz Jim you stupid twat, thats why i added my pics so people could see how i got my fame :p and just so you know i also have a movie thats has over 50 thousands views, so fuck off and think of something better to say, and piss off Polly coz true friends looooolz thts why when you fell out with Candi you mailed Star asking for me to speak to you, to make up but i dont like SNAKES LIKE YOU! -.- and told you hhere to go! :p

    7. Plus another thing for you to think about b4 you run your fat gob off "licker" i think MSP has looked into my account enough, if i had used a cheat engine they would have deleted it, so shush clown! Jealous little people with small brains really cant think of anything else to speculate about (i)

    8. if anyone's a stupid twat, it's YOU, ALISHA!

  13. excuse me i didn't call u any names and i'm not familiar with the term denile perhaps u meant denial??? buzz off Jim i don;t give a toss about you you are here to cause problems and hate go do it on your own blog where you can say what u want but tbh i don;t care you are the liar you are the fake you are twisted and i feel sorry for you and people like u that get abuzz trying to look cool when they aren't , trying to act intellectually superior when they clearly aren't and can't rise above petty jealousy which basically defines u to a tee you are in fact MISS JEALOUSY 2015 congrats!!! ur award is on it's way lol get a life girlie have fun and relax then petty comment similars yours won't affect u xxxxxx much love to all kerrianne xxxxx kissess lo

    1. Nahh, we all know what you say of others is a mirror of yourself. Hi hater, kiss kiss. I'll see you later

    2. Jim you're the biggest snake going... Why aren't you in the book of records for it yet? xD lolA* -.-

    3. LolA* looooolz why arn't you all in a book, oh yh, its called a burn book xD Ho hater, kiss kiss I'll see you later. Haters gonna hate. You can't stop writing about me so get up out my face B) I'm not gonna think I'm anything less than perfect. I can't stop and I won't stop B) Its my mouth I can say what I want to. Only God can judge me. Forget the haters cos some people love me xP You don't change me one bit. What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. Cos I'm hopeful yes I am xP and I'm gonna keep smiling and stay strong EE> People will hate you and try and break you, but if I stay strong that's what makes me. I really don't care about words and lies xD I am so fab, check out I'm blonde, I'm skinny, I'm rich, and I'm a lil bit of a b***h. You have a problem with people you cray cray animal. Get your sound ass out my face x-o

    4. just leave her alone owen and get on with your life

    5. Jim do you honestly think you're owning me with your google combacks and taylor swift song lines? xD loolz why don't you carry on 'Dressing your avatar like a ken doll' and leave xD ;)

    6. Jim Taylor swift didn't write her songs so you repeat the lines on a blog :)

  14. hahah JIM perhaps u should practice what u preach and remember how u act and speak ot others reflects your true personality gtg cos ive a life and SHIM bores the SHIT outta me ;p

    1. Lol, stealing what I said before too. Too much swagger jagger for you to handle I guess. Now if you don't I have a life other than stalking people and trying to cause harm to someone. Pathetic x-o Next you'll want us all to quit Jesus girl take a chill pill, we are here to stay B) Bye you are too boring |O

    2. aw shim u think u have copyright over the entire english vocabulary aw soz shim we speak english in Ireland too ;p and i haven't quoted you i just rephrased it to be less colloquial ;p

    3. Dont lower yourself Kerri the sado is just after attention and has to arrange on MSP to come here with friends loooooolz spam my chat box with crap (i) |O The truth is if "it" (will call it that, as not sure if to address him as a boy that "it" pretends to be on MSP or as a girl that "it" really is in real life) was happy and so popular as "it" claims it wouldnt be stalking my blog looking for people to talk to :p

  15. Congrats Alisha ;)
    I don't care who's happy for Alisha and who isn't. If you're not, there's no point carrying on an argument with someone who is, and vice versa. What are you actually going to achieve?
    Everyone has the right to comment on this blog, all it takes is the push of a button, but if your original purpose here was to stick up for a friend, why start insulting someone because they have a different view? Everyone can choose who to stick up for, but you should probably keep it to yourselves, because people that come to the comment section just to congratulate Alisha really don't give a shit about your arguments. Just stop it ;)

    1. Thanks so much and yeah but it just proves certain people love drama and go out of their way (coming here) to do it (i)

  16. Sorry no can do I can only walk off and you are cyber bullying by swearing on a blog. You want me to really go to the police about you? Calling people twats and a licker telling them to fuck off through internet is CYBER BULLYING Blogging someone without permision is against the law also so I can report you and all Jim is doing is sticking up for me. We all know how sad you are by blogging not saying to the face. :) COWARD

    1. Swearing isnt bullying (i) you lot still dont get the meaning of "bullying" do you? Well maybe you should of though bout that when you blogged people too ;) when you spoke about adept and that girl :p Double standards? looooooolz & you seem to forget the MONTHS AND MONTHS i went through YOUR mates blogging ME, name calling and lies but i guess that was ok coz it was about me? -.-

    2. No you told me to fuck off swearing AT ME which yes is bullying. Your also making fun of Jim being a girl with a boy account what many people have like W@W.... You were his friend remember? So why is Jim different? Cos he is friends with me? That is bullying Alisha. So think before type

    3. Blah blah blah and Jim has never been a "friend" :?s He was just someone that mailed me talking bout other players, Candi, Holly ect and ofc posting comments on Angelings walls then mailing me laughing bout it, calling it a trick and he wasnt really one looooooooooooolz & Dont like my comments, dont come here, SIMPLE!
      I hope you dont delete your comments like last time either, remember when you claimed MSP/MODS made accounts for you? LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLZ

    4. Didnt say they made accounts said they were ON MY ACCOUNT and nah why I delete them Im not scared.. XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

    5. Burn! Good job Polly lol, you don't have to care what those hater think cos I don't give a flying elephant and you shouldn't. She obvs doesn't know that this type of bullying is against msp rules and is plain wrong. I am always here for you unlike some people that claim they have good friendship, good friendship of being bullys? :?s Your way above them and perfect. She's just a prejudice animal, they all are. LOL, they obvs have a problem with people different to them. And they arn't Taylor Swift quotes, a few yes not all of them, there's some Kelly in there, some BAM, katy perry, lady gaga, miley cyrus. A lot, so toodles to that :* lol, calling someone because of who they are is discrimination >.< Lol, if you have a problem with one person having a different gender account how on earth do you lot react to trans gender people. Next you'll be bashing gays >.< Everyone is different. Lol, its not my fault that most of msp is girls anyway. So stop being so sexist all your lives because women have the right to have a boy personality, looks whatever. They have a right. Sorry we all can't be skinny, rich, pretty, perfect, b****h's like some -.- so stop bashing everyone who's different, we are all human :x peace and love prejudice animals >.< Ly everyone else who isn't under mind conrol of the morons xp

    6. yes you did coz we all saw it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (i) Me, star and Jed were cracking up over it, couldnt believe your outright LIES & i didnt say you was scared (i) Just pointing out the fact that you usually delete them :p

  17. Cba to read your dribble Jim girl but Burned? looolz yeah right (i) |O keep patting her back for brownie points/greetings -B

    1. See there you go Ali some people in the war got burned what if Jim's relation did and you say that HAVE YOU GOT NO HEART? Plus On the convo on trans gender there are alot of people in the world who are like that and for you to say that on a blog is sick.

    2. People got burnt :?s What does the war have to do with a blog :?s Nothing so if your that concerned for them,, get off my blog and go raise funds for those or instead of spending your money on vips donate it to their families and take a step back sweetie, Jim mentioned transgender people not me (i) Loooooolz

    3. LOL ofc, and your the one with the problem get it right geez

  18. Got to dash, have fun carrying on talking to yourselves :x
    Like peas in a pod =))

  19. Yeah cos your the pea ain't you?

    1. looolz you dont even get it Victoria woops its lexi now isnt it (i)
      need i say anymore =D7

    2. LOL Ali your a fine one to talk. Your FAR from perfect. So you keep your venom finger tips off the keyboard for a lil while

    3. My name is Alexa TBH I wont give you the last name :) Get it right ali :) - ellis - adept :D

    4. Did say i was :?s but least i dont lie and pretend to be someone im not or someones friend for that matter ;)
      & i wouldnt wanna know, your polly name makes my teeth itch enough thank very much :p

    5. Poor PollyPopkins. That girl gets so much hate. She does nothing wrong, she makes children happy, and she gets hate in return :X I feel like going to Haven to save her xD

    6. Haven? loooolz I think thats heaven, deary me a mistake by you after you commented on other peoples grammar and mistakes, flat on your face :p

    7. NO, Haven you daft ***** xDDDDDDDDd PollyPopkins is a Haven character, DEARY ME ALI!

    8. It's sad that you're using a haven character to defend polly (ON MSP!) Really? -.-

    9. I am Proud to be Pollypopkins Owen.. I have gotten so far I never thought I would tbh

    10. Then why do u always say 'I'm not polly I'm lexie' to me.....

    11. Polly is my MSP user calling her dont hurt me. But I am proud I made her.

  20. LOL Ali your not even on the highscores you liar. Deleted again, or maybe it was the cheat engines you are using |O You never know with you, FULL of nasty surprises. Also you are doing it again. NAME DROPPING. Leave Candi out of it. If she wants to but VIP she can. You aint God, I would probs be going to hell if you were xD

    1. Am i not? loooooooooooooolz maybe try clicking that button and there i am with Candi squashed between me and adept ;) and cheat engine? Deary me you do talk shit loooooolz

    2. SO WATCH WHO YOU CALL A LAIR ITS BULLYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your the only one that needs to TWIST THINGS SWEETIE! :p

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. CLICK THE BUTTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DUH god having to repeat myself (i)


  22. i saw me on on ur blog in mall ;p

  23. *COUGHS Locked out again *COUGHS money gone to waste..HAHAHA :D

    1. looooooooololololol I saw it coming xD

    2. Gosh so many arguments it's Ali's blog and I am not here to start a fight . I respect you all and I guess we all have different views of things and I hope you will resolve things

      Congratz on getting on High Scores Ali

      Anyone who reads this please add meh Sweetiepie 100%
