Wednesday 22 October 2014

Me & Adept (NOT the same person!)

Over the last few wks, in fact ever since people (or should i say "Angelings" ) noticed Adept was gaining on Princess a RUMOUR surfaced that I'm Adept o.e Why on earth would I date myself? lolz I've read the stupid comments, some people even claiming i have to invent one (Adept) as no one will date me (i) Yeah right |O So let me point something out to you, people love "high levelers" not coz they know them or speak to them but they would love a high level GF/BF to get themselves noticed! So even if i had to drag one of the boys off the beach, help him level past your sorry asses (aimed at haters!) and lavish him in wishys i could get one so don't fool yourselves or think your comments even scratch through my "rhino" skin :p You just make yourselves look stupid and in fact a little jealous as i can get an awesome BF like Adept and keep hold of him :p Besides your "Idols" can back me up on this, as they like to post/share comments bout us both and in fact post videos of me & Adept hanging out in the mall, so you go watch those videos, you watch how we talk different, how our comments overlap and then slap yourself and say "yeah i was kinda silly posting them comments around MSP, i really did make myself look a twat"  ;) 


  1. These are stupid people with there stupid mind !

  2. Angelings are starting to get rather judgemental now.. Even though I am one, I would never say anything like that :/ tbh though, I think I may just be a loner (no sides).. It's easier ;D

    ~ 84Crazy@Kate03

  3. wtf? why would u date yourself xD thats just a bit retarded
