Tuesday, 22 December 2015


Lets start by saying, I see you have a new video and even more lies looolz you claim you had to get away from MSP, really? loooolz You was IP locked! Locked for BULLYING and causing drama!You and your bro were both locked as it covers your house and that.s why you was both off for the whole wk :D & in your video you mention the ceop well look what I have for them, so much proof of your bullying (I even have more stored on my lappy & if you carry on I will sending it ALL to MSP & them if need be!) Even your own videos come in handy esp when you even tell people yourself you had blocked Kristle but unblocked her to start a fight with her! -.- 
Fingers crossed, after reading this post people will stop jumping in and believing your lies and leave us ALL alone when they don't have a clue whats really going on and only involving themselves coz they seem to think its fun BULLYING high level people, tbh it just shows their jealously as much as you show YOURS! 
Hope you enjoy...............

Once AGAIN I'm posting the reason to why i was locked from MSP coz there seems to be many people that either cant read, understand or just like to spread lies that i was locked for bullying....... So where does it say in my lock I was locked for bullying??? NOWHERE!Its just something you throw about to get people to believe your lies and feel sorry for you and further more if I had been locked for bullying would I be so stupid to bully again? NO!!! So shush as its bout time you invented something new to use in your fame seeking, propaganda BS! O

How can you argue with PROOF? (i) YOU CANT! & let me explain something that I've never spoke about before, this comment was made to my own BFF bout a MSP update looolz. It wasnt even bout a person, it wasnt even said in a nasty way, I was asked "Alisha, do you know what the new updates are :?s" and the comment highlighted on the lock is what I replied, it seems MSP took offence to me speaking the truth bout their pointless updates that do nothing but cause more lag for us all (i) looooooolz

Also let me point out once again as you & your forum BULLY mates seem to have a problem with working out whats truth, fiction and lame rumours |O 
I didn't make the video that contained you bullying me with tonssss and tonsssss of your mates ..... My friend made it (i) had I made it, i would hold my hand up and be proud of it but all the credit goes to them ;p 

Zoey you claim I jumped into your argument with Kristle, an argument that had nothing to do with me, no your attention seeking fight with Kristle had nothing to do with me, the reason I made the artie revealing your true colours was coz for months and months you have bullied, lied and used my name for attention! -.- 

So lets start with your brothers BS artie trying to round up troops for you 

I understand if your his sister he will want to defend you but it seems hes just as bad as you for lying, claiming that account was someone else, that you wasnt using it well can you or him explain this? :D
This is when I closed down comments for my blog coz you and your bully mates wouldnt get off my blog |O and wow for a "Victim" you seem to have a lot to say & just coming back time and time again (i)
(Some are posted on my blog, others we cant see her full comments as I have never opened them and dont plan to)
Im just pointing out the date (to show how long shes been harassing me & how many times she kept coming back trying to get into fights with me (i) )
In fact I have even more but I think from just showing these few, people will get to see the extent your willing to go to, to get my attention (i)  So I think this will show who the real victim is! ME!
(Can be enlarged by clicking the pics)

Here is also a small sample of the forums thats your face is plastered all over, usually though your hiding on fake accounts usually your Brittany accounts! (i)
Once again look how long the bullying has been taking place & spreading lies & hate about me :(

 & looks what happens when my friend visits your forums, when she tries to stick up for me, you spammed her wall with your vile bullying comments! -.-


 Seems like you have a problem upsetting people and TELLING THEM TO DIE, doesnt it? Once again shows how vile you are! -.-

and i will also post the comment I left on your lame you tube video bout me as I have nothing to hide and idc if you use it coz everything said in it is the truth!

Plus looking at your wall today it seems not only do you have a problem with me & Kristle but also other high level people, which I already knew and pointed out anyway but just to show people I dont have to lie, I have proof ^.^

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