Saturday, 20 December 2014

Welcome back Roxy <3

Well looky looky someone eventually come to their senses! :p Welcome back Roxy! You might be a little shocked that I'm doing you a blog as I kinda don't openly speak bout my feelings and friendships but I know you come here to listen to my songs (even if you don't understand their meanings phahahaha) but I honestly didn't think you was going to return this time :(  I know how unhappy you have been for ages & also missing certain people but I wasn't going to give up on you while there was still a little hope you would return, plus I need to learn you some better jokes coz the one on your status caused a storm (i) |O Half the people didn't get it and the other half blamed me for hacking you O_O  Like how stupid! -.- Why on earth would I hack one of the people I care most about on that game? Retards! People need to remember you are a real person and sometimes like to be a little erratic and confusing lolz but that's why the people closest to you, love and care for you, we see how crazy & valuable you can be 

We've had one of the oddest friendships on MSP, how we become bff's coz of someones lies, trying to get us to hate each other but with her lies and the help of another player we were in fact brought together (i) God we have even been witched hunted together >.< lolz (looking back now it just cracks me up, how people take things so serious and the lengths they are willing to go just to gain a few extra brownie points (or fame in this case! :p) Also it proves to others if you don't know whats going on mind your own business! This is kinda aimed at the stupid cow that felt the need to post on my wall judging me and our friendship, commenting I didn't care and your name wasn't on my status, I wasn't begging you to come back -.- So answer this gobby trout..... Why would I put Roxy's name on my status and beg her to come back when she WASN'T EVEN THERE??? WHEN SHE WOULDN'T EVEN SEE IT!!! Pointless right? -.- So trying using that little tiny brain you have been blessed with! ;) Just cos I didn't put on a stupid shitty cry animation doesn't mean I wasn't upset and being a REAL friend to Roxy I wouldn't use her name to get myself attention and get people to feel sorry for me!!! I was there for Roxy & she knows it so you believe and say whatever shit you like! :p Coz when you find a friendship like ours & know how we work then you can judge! 

Tuesday, 2 December 2014


A few days ago when I did my "Win Xmas Ball Dresses" post,  Iggy and another member of a certain "Team" felt the need to leave more uncalled hate comments on it (THE POST WAS MADE FOR MY FRIENDS & HELPERS TO WIN SOMETHING, NOT FOR YOU TO ONCE AGAIN SPREAD YOUR HATE, IF YOU DON'T LIKE ME, IDC!!!!! THERES PLENTY OF OTHER POSTS YOU CAN GIVE YOUR OPINIONS ABOUT ME ..... SO STOP TRYING TO SPOIL EVERYTHING!!!!!! -.- ) When splatting her hate Iggy was very eager for myself & others to read her blog and shared the link ( and that I should read it, as it was about myself and heroes but now it seems Iggy has tried to back track and ERADICATE all EVIDENCE of the VILE, SICK post she made!  Well TO LATE! I HAVE THE POST RIGHT HERE........ 

I'm not surprised you removed it and also deleted your blog, what you said was DISGUSTING! I HOPE YOUR ASHAMED! -.- 

Plus I really don't get why so many people think of ebola as a joke and use it when hating on others    :?s  You all go on and on about supporting causes like "cancer" ect yet think its ok to use this cruel virus! Just remember, just like cancer it robs people of their loved ones..... SO THINK TWICE! -.-